Police service in Veazie began with the town’s inception in 1853 with the appointment of Roderick Park, Abraham Jaquith, Asa C. Palmer and Thomas O. Addition as the town’s first constables. There is no indication in town records of any kind of wage paid to the constables until 1900, where the Town Minutes show that they began to receive a small fee for their services. Town records show continuous constable service from 1853 until 1977 when the town voted to buy its first police cruiser. During this same year, George Bell became the first Chief of Police after having served as a constable since 1962. Cathy Jordan, Alvah B. Calkins and Frank W. Jordan began work as the first Police Officers under Chief Bell.
Today, the department is proudly led by Chief of Police Mark E. Leonard and is staffed with full-time and reserve officers, providing 24 hour/day – 365 days/year police services.
The Veazie Police Department is designated as an official Child Safety Seat Inspection Station. Please call today to schedule your child seat inspection.